64 Google Reviews
You will benefit from comprehensive, preventive dentistry focused on promoting a healthy mouth and beautiful looking teeth for life.
To start your journey to dental wellbeing, please use our online booking form.
Enquire NowTreatment | Price in GBP |
Initial Consultation | Free |
Comprehensive Dental Consultation | £100 |
New Patient Consultation | £100 |
Routine Examination | £56 |
Small X-ray | £16.75 |
Fillings | *From £107 |
Root Canal Treatment | *From £425 |
Crowns | *From £641.75 |
Extractions | *From £109 |
Implants | *From £2,750 |
Teeth Straightening | From £2,800 |
Teeth Whitening | £375 |
* from prices include the membership plan discount
Payments are made at time of treatment and can be paid with most major international credit and debit cards.
For over 35 years, we’ve been helping thousands of people regain their confidence to smile. We focus on promoting a healthy mouth and beautiful looking teeth for life, not just a quick fix.
Don’t compromise your dental care by going for second best or delaying treatment. Go for the very best that modern dentistry can offer and spread your investment with our 0% finance.
* Up to 24 months is interest free. If you would like to take finance over a longer period then an interest charge will apply.
** Interest free finance spread across up to 24 months for treatments valued over £300.00